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Partnering with Equality Now

Swabhiman Society is partnering with Equality Now to call on the government to improve access to justice for Dalit women and girl survivors of sexual violence. A joint report is being released by Equality Now and Swabhiman Society documenting the barriers to accessing justice in some cases worked on by Swabhiman Society in Haryana.

Manisha Mashaal, founder of Swabhiman Society, is an inspiring and resilient voice fighting in the forefronts of the movement addressing caste based violence against Dalit women and girls in Haryana, India.

Swabhiman Society has provided paralegal support and legal aid to survivors of sexual violence from marginalized communities, and works against oppression and injustice towards Dalit, Muslim and trans women and girls in Haryana.

Manisha began her activism in 2005, and in the years to come became a leading activist, questioning systemic discrimination and power structures.

Read the complete interview in Equality Now Website:
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