A Concept Note and Profile of Haryana

Area under Swabhiman Society:

  1. Kurukshetra
  2. Karnal
  3. Kaithal
  4. Yamunangar
  5. Panchkula
  6. Ambala
  7. Panipat
  8. Sonipat
  9. Hisar
  10. Rohtak
  11. Jind
  12. Bhiwani

About Haryana Region:

Haryana is situated in the North Western region surrounded by Himachal Pradesh from North, Uttrakhand from North East, Rajasthan from the South, U.P and Delhi from East and Punjab from North West. There are 21 districts in Haryana. According to 2011 census, out of total population, 2.5 crore, of Haryana, 20 percent are Dalits, second largest group after Jats which is higher than national average which is 16.2. According to Data available with the National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB) show a seven-fold increase over 15 years in the number of incidents of crime against Scheduled Castes in Haryana since year 2000.  Haryana have 5th largest Dalits population in India. In 2000, figure was 117. In 2005, there were 288 incidents which went up to 380 in 2010 and reached 830 in 2014 per lakhs. Haryana is among worst 15 states list of number of crime against Dalits amongst all the states of India. Sexual assault of Dalits has emerged as a new weapon to assert domination. According to the NCRB, Haryana ranks seventh in assaults on SC women, fourth in sexual harassment, sixth in rapes. Dalit women face double discrimination due to their caste and gender. Haryana don’t even have its SC Commission yet.

Dalits population of Karnal is 22.6% and of Panipat is 17.11% out of total population of each district. Highest number of rape cases was reported from Karnal in the year 2008 to 2011across the state. In both of these districts, heinous crimes against Dalits are reported in last few years and conviction rate is negligible.

Present Status of Dalits in India:

In the Year 2014, according to the NCRB “Crime in India” data for various years, 2233 Dalit women were raped across country, highest number in last 5 years. According to the information received on 2014 data through RTI from NCRB by The Indian Express, Dalits and tribals suicide rate is highest among other caste groups in India which shows how vulnerable they are. According to NCRB data, reported crimes against the scheduled castes have increased by 19% in 2014 compared to the previous year. In 2014, 47064 crimes against Dalits were recorded in NCRB and 744 Dalits were murdered. Despite prohibition through legislation, India has institutionalized the practice with “local governments and municipalities employing manual scavengers”.

Present Status of Dalits in India:

In the Year 2014, according to the NCRB “Crime in India” data for various years, 2233 Dalit women were raped across country, highest number in last 5 years. According to the information received on 2014 data through RTI from NCRB by The Indian Express, Dalits and tribals suicide rate is highest among other caste groups in India which shows how vulnerable they are. According to NCRB data, reported crimes against the scheduled castes have increased by 19% in 2014 compared to the previous year. In 2014, 47064 crimes against Dalits were recorded in NCRB and 744 Dalits were murdered. Despite prohibition through legislation, India has institutionalized the practice with “local governments and municipalities employing manual scavengers”.

Present Status Dalits in Haryana:

Poor Literacy Rate:

Literacy rate in Haryana is 75.55 percent as per 2011 population census. Of that, male literacy stands at 84.06 percent while female literacy is at 65.94 percent. There is significant difference in male and female literacy rate. The literacy rate as low as 58% for men and 38.5% for women belonging to SC communities. According to The Hindu quoted statistics, After setting condition of Dalit contestant being 8th standard pass in Haryana Panchayati Raj (Amendment) Act, 2015, 68% of Dalit women and 41% Dalit men were not eligible to contest in elections of Panchayati Raj this year, in total only 38% of Dalits were eligible to contest. Dalit girls who attend school regularly face eve-teasing, taunts, verbal abuse and molestation on their way to school. Government schools have poor sanitation conditions. These are some of the main reasons of Dalit girls dropping out.

Poor Sex Ratio:

In year 2015, Sex Ratio in Haryana is 889 girls per 1000 boys as told to a leading news paper by CM of Haryana in the month of January this year, which is below national average which was 943girls per 1000 boys.


According to a study conducted and presented by an NGO (named NACDOR) last year, 49% of children belonging to scheduled castes are malnourished. 53% dalit children are stunted or too short for their age- 47% boys and 44% of girls are stunted. This is leading cause of poor immunity, frequent illnesses, poor school performance and mortality. Anaemia is a major health problem in Haryana, especially among Dalit women and children which leads to many complications like death during giving birth.Prevalence of anaemia in Haryana is 2% point higher than the national average. 80% of dalit children of this state in the 6-59 months age group are anaemic.

No Access to land:

Less than 2% land is owned by Dalits in Haryana while their population is 20%. So, Dalits have negligible access to land. Dalits of Haryana don’t have agricultural land. They work as physical labour like agricultural labours, construction workers etc. for sustenance. Though there is a statutory provision of providing thirty percent panchayati land to SCs for cultivation, it is seldom done.


According to information available, based on census of year 2004-05, on website of Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment, 26.8 percent population of rural area and 33.4 percent of urban area of Haryana is below poverty line. According to 2007, 50.20% dalits were below povert line in Haryana and out of total population of Dalits of Karnal and Panipat, respectively 49.1% and 44% is below poverty line according to the data available at Rural Development Department website of Haryana government.

Bonded Labour:

Up to 40 % complaints are received from 2013 to 2014 from Haryana by National Human Rights Commission as reported by The Tribune newspaper in July last year.

Sexual Violence:

According to data of year 2011 available at NCRB, out of total cases of sexual harassment 57% were reported from Haryana. From year 2008 to 2011, total number of reported rape cases in Haryana is 2506. Only up to 10% of Sexual assault cases of Dalit women get registered because of the fear of reprisals by the dominant castes. This low rate of case registration hinders the reality to come in light. Out of the 2121 rape cases registered in the state Haryana in 2010-2012, 70 percent of the victims are Dalit and 60 percent of the accused are Jats.

Poor Living Conditions:

According to census 2011, only 45.4% rural Dalit households had latrine facility with their premises and only 47.8% Dalits households had TV ownership.

Major problems and issues Dalits of Haryana:

Discrimination with Dalits at all the levels, Socio-Economic level as well as political level.

  • Lack of awareness amongst Dalits about their rights. Unawareness is also the major cause of atrocities on them.
  • No access to agricultural land
  • Illiteracy, high rate of Dropping out of Dalit children and mostly girls
  • Unemployment
  • Bonded Labour in brick kilns and agriculture
  • Poverty
  • Sexual Violence against Dalit women and girls
  • Poor Health
  • Less Access to Sanitation
  • Manual scavenging
  • Deep rooted Patriarchy
  • Lack of leadership quality
  • No SC commission of State
  • Caste Violence